Reducing carbon footprint with furnace combustion monitoring
Reducing Carbon Footprint with Furnace Combustion Monitoring In a world facing increasingly urgent environmental challenges, waste incineration plays a pivotal role in our quest to
Detection and Interception of Fast, Low-Altitude Targets in Vast Combat Zones
Mastering the Detection and Interception of Fast, Low-Altitude Targets in Vast Combat Zones Effective ground-based air defense in extended combat zones requires the mastery of
Border surveillance: illegal immigration monitoring
Optimize illegal immigration surveillance: Save lives with SPYNEL solutions How to fight against illegal immigration on your coasts to avoid human dramas? The smugglers’ unsafe
尽管回转窑的使用已经历经了好多年,如果要从提高生产效率和优化生产工艺角度来说,对其进行实时连续地温度监测,自动提供风险预警,从而避免‘红窑’现象的发生。 在大力发展能源可持续的背景下,由于标准燃料限制,减少碳排放,从而实现碳达峰的目标,这就要求工厂逐步使用替代燃料。然而随着替代燃料的使用,对火焰模式、大小和温度的控制来确保窑炉的稳定性,这一使命至关重要,却不容易。 ▶ HGH回转窑红外扫描仪和测温相机系列 窑壳温度的持续监控以及生成实时、清晰的可见图像以及窑内和冷却器内的热图像是温度监控和工艺优化的关键部分。能够伸入到窑炉内的加固型 HDR 高温相机PYROSCAN, 和能够根据需求放置在回转窑外部的任意距离之外的红外扫描仪KILNSCAN, 这两者都能够满足应用要求。 KILNSCAN & PYROSCAN in a cement plant: ▶ 使用PYROSCAN 来改善水泥质量 灵活度高: 适应于窑炉或冷却器中的任意应用 清晰度无与伦比的可见光和热图像 每个像素的温度通过使用高动态范围操作模式测量,该模式消除了饱和和曝光不足的区域 该系统配备HGH自研的软件,兼具易用性和直观的HMI的特点,同时具备显示、分析和记录图像和温度的功能 有助于提高熟料质量
GAIA™人工智能算法模块集成到远距离监视系统中是国防安全领域的一项关键创新。GAIA™神经网络及其I²Q™图像处理算法库支持对 SPYNEL & CYCLOPE 解决方案等安全系统获取的数据进行自动识别和分类。 ▶GAIATM: 赋能全景热成像的人工智能先驱 GAIA AI 模块是利用三个神经网络,用于海上、陆地和空中监视应用中的图案识别,实现远距离范围内、宽广陆地和海洋上大小不一的目标物的自动分类。 这样的AI算法在全景热成像中自动分类目标物体的功能是开创性的,与CYCLOPE视频分析的独特结合,从而能够实现对任意类型威胁的早期检测、跟踪和分类。 下载产品宣传页 ▶ I²Q™ 图像处理算法库让图像质量更卓越 得益于 I²Q™ 图像处理算法库,GAIA™ 人工智能的性能更加出色!无论环境条件如何,I²Q™ 图像处理算法都能实现卓越的昼夜图像质量。它包括多种算法来改善用户体验:减少阳光闪烁、智能去噪、局部对比度图像增强等等 ▶ GAIATM 人工智能的应用场景? 所有应用 ▶ 优势 降低误报率 现场轻松快速地设置检测参数 快速反应 提高可靠性 提高人的决策效率
Coastal Surveillance: long distance protection of coasts & maritime borders
Discover the benefits of the SPYNEL sensor for coastlines surveillance !
Reinforce Air Defense and Situational Awareness
In case of radar destruction or malfunction, the communication lines, the overall Air Defense System is “blind” and becomes inoffensive although missiles launchers still operational. SPYNEL thermal panoramic detection and tracking solutions can then be urgently deployed in a few minutes.
SPYNEL and CYCLOPE Software’s high integration capabilities
Thanks to CYCLOPE software‘s flexibility and a sensor design specifically thought to fit all configurations, the SPYNEL solution provides effective communication with external sensors and security systems
Vacuum Compatible Blackbodies: Success Stories!
To mark the beginning of the year, we are delighted to share with you some exciting news and projects for the space industry!