Coastal surveillance

Coastal surveillance solutions based on 360° infrared panoramic camera

Wide area surveillance of coast lines

Piracy, illegal and irregular immigration, drug trafficking, smuggling… Protecting one’s own coastline is becoming increasingly challenging. From Navies who want to set virtual fences and monitor traffic around their Naval bases, to Coast Guards and Customs who want to strengthen surveillance of sensitive areas and to Islands cities or countries who want to protect their inner waters: Coastal surveillance organisations thus need state of the art, reliable sensors that operate in all weather conditions.

HGH SPYNEL® surveillance cameras deliver astonishing performance in coastal surveillance. The systems enable full maritime and coastal domain awareness with real-time 360-degree thermal videos, detection & tracking of multiple simultaneous targets.

Coastal surveillance:  Main Challenges

Targets hardly detectable by radars

Stealthy targets with low RCS (Radar Cross Section), low elevation targets such as swimmers, USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) or RHIB (Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat) can be a challenge to be detected with conventional surveillance solutions such as radars.

Detecting friend and foe amongst a dense maritime traffic

Monitoring the coast lines is not only about detecting any approaching objects. Advanced classification algorithms must enable the operator to establish customized scenarios and identify friends and foes within a dense traffic environment.

Coastal surveillance: Main Threats

Coastal surveillance faces a range of threats that require careful planning, technology, and operational strategies to mitigate. These threats include:

coastal surveillance
coastal surveillance

Maritime Intrusions

Unauthorized vessels : Small boats, fishing vessels, or even larger ships may attempt to breach coastal waters for various illegal activities, such as smuggling, piracy, or illegal immigration.

Smuggling and Trafficking

Drug trafficking & contraband: Coastal areas are often used as transit points for drug smuggling operations.

Human trafficking: Smugglers may use coastal routes to transport people for illegal immigration.

Maritime Terrorism

Terrorist organizations may seek to carry out attacks using boats or other waterborne methods, targeting coastal infrastructure, vessels, or populated areas.

Illegal fishing

Overfishing and illegal fishing activities can harm marine ecosystems and local economies.

Need to secure coastlines, island or a critical infrastructure ?

Get your customized solution

Coastal Surveillance Solution

With Spynel Panoramic Infrared Cameras

HGH Infrared Systems has developed an innovative panoramic solution detecting and categorizing long-range threats. The SPYNEL infrared camera range protects any kind of critical infrastructures or military assets thanks to a 360° camera. Fully passive, the SPYNEL camera ensures real-time panoramic video and automatic detection, classification & tracking.

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How to secure Coastlines?

Optimise coastal surveillance with SPYNEL infrared panoramic cameras

Why choosing Spynel for Coastal Surveillance?

Main benefits of Spynel panoramic infrared camera

Detection of stealthy targets

Infrared (IR) cameras are employed to capture thermal radiation emitted by objects, making them suitable for day and night surveillance. These cameras can detect and classify objects based on heat signature, enabling the detection of objects hardly detectable by radars such as stealthy targets having a low RCS.

Panoramic Field of View

The camera covers a wide field of view, typically 180 degrees or more. In addition of the detection itself, the provided situational awareness gives great contextual information in order to bring the most adapted answer.

High-Resolution Imaging

Modern IR cameras offer high-resolution imaging, allowing for the detection of small vessels, individuals, or unusual activities with clarity. This resolution is especially crucial in surveillance scenarios, as it aids in identifying potential threats or environmental changes.

Real-time Monitoring

The camera system is often integrated into a larger coastal surveillance network, which includes monitoring stations. Real-time feeds from the camera are transmitted to these stations, where trained operators can monitor the coastline continuously.

Automatic Detection & Classification Algorithms

To enhance surveillance capabilities, deep-learning algorithms are employed to automatically detect, classify moving and static objects.

Integration with Other Sensors

SPYNEL cameras are often integrated with other surveillance sensors, such as radar, sonar, and AIS (Automatic Identification System), to provide a comprehensive picture of maritime activities. Integration enables better situational awareness and early threat detection.


Customized scenarios can be defined to easily identify friend and foe.

Weather Resistant

SPYNEL cameras are typically designed to withstand harsh coastal environments, including exposure to saltwater, high winds, and extreme temperatures. This ensures their reliability and longevity in these challenging conditions.

Data Storage and Retrieval

Recorded 360° video feeds and images can be stored for later analysis and investigation. This historical data can be valuable for forensic purposes, incident analysis, and reporting.


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