HGH Infrared > Sitemap
- Air Base Security
- Blackbody FAQ
- Blackbody Targets
- CN-37 黑体
- Coastal Surveillance
- Contact us
- Cyclope hypervisor
- Cyclope Software
- DCN 1000 系列 – 低温黑色机身
- ECN 100
- Electro Optical Test Downloads – Educationals
- Electro Optical Test Resources
- Event
- Hot Spot Detection on Rotary Kiln
- Industrial Thermography – Resources
- Infrared Testing FAQ
- Integrating Sphere Sources
- IRCOL 600/ 6000
- IRCOL Collimator
- Join
- Kilnscan
- mIRcury
- News
- News
- News – Newsletter
- News – Press release
- Newsletter 通讯
- NV-2020
- NV-2500
- OPAL军用试验台
- Pyroscan
- Pyroscan-U
- RCN黑体
- Ressources
- Ship protection / anti-piracy
- Sitemap
- Spynel-M
- Spynel-S
- Spynel-U
- Spynel-X
- SPYNEL红外传感器的主要优势
- Test and Measurement
- TwinN1000黑体
- Vacuum Blackbodies
- VGI-150
- Visible Radiation FAQ
- Webinars
- Wide Area Surveillance
- Wide area surveillance – ressources
- 产品
- 传感器测试
- 光电测试平台,工业热像仪和广域监视系统等光电创新解决方案的研发,生产和销售
- 光电系统的维护
- 公司背景
- 关于SPYNEL发表的文章
- 关于我们
- 关键基础设施防护
- 军事空军基地周边监控
- 前线作战基地监视
- 加强海岛海上安全
- 周界监测
- 围界安保-常见问题解答
- 国防
- 基于车辆的全景监控
- 大型游艇安全防护
- 安全
- 家庭垃圾焚烧
- 工业
- 工业热成像及测温- 下载-PDF文件
- 工业热成像及测温-常见问题解答 FAQ
- 工作机会 技术销售工程师
- 工作机会 技术销售工程师 (不限男女) 广域监控系统
- 广域监测- 下载-PDF文件
- 广域监测- 影像
- 我们的培训课程
- 我们的应用程序
- 接受INFRATEST软件方面的培训
- 新一代黑体控制器
- 无人机检测和跟踪
- 服务
- 根据应用场景需求选择合适的全景红外相机SPYNEL
- 检测和追踪体温升高人群
- 法律说明
- 测试与计量-下载-PDF文件
- 测试与计量–常见问题解答
- 测试与计量VIDEOS
- 海上平台安全领域
- 港口/海岸监测
- 热偏差扭曲监测功能
- 热成像在工业应用
- 热敏传感器特性
- 焦平面探测器电光学参数测试平台:BIRD 210
- 煅烧情况的热力监控
- 特种部队:如何探测而不被发现
- 用SPYNEL搜索与跟踪解决方案保护你的战舰免受不对称威胁
- 监狱监控
- 石油和天然气设施安全
- 红外焦平面阵列器件测试
- 维护与节能减排
- 航空站/机场监测
- 野生动物监视和反偷猎
- 隐私声明
- 首页
- 黑体
- Milkor and HGH sign co-operation agreement for USVs and wide area surveillance
- HGH Unveils SPYNEL-F and USV-Based Surveillance Solutions for Enhanced Situational Awareness at Euronaval 2024
- HGH Group Unveils GAIA Air, a New AI Detection Algorithm for Passive Air Defense at Eurosatory 2024
- Reducing carbon footprint with furnace combustion monitoring
- Detection and Interception of Fast, Low-Altitude Targets in Vast Combat Zones
- Border surveillance: illegal immigration monitoring
- HGH, partner in the “Smart Border” project between France and the UK securing the coast against illegal immigration
- VIDEO: Panoramic surveillance on the field: detect, track and classify any threat!
- HGH introduces innovative surveillance technologies for Homeland security and Defense at IDEX 2023
- 嵌入SPYNEL全景安全监视解决方案的新型人工智能GAIA™
- The HGH group celebrates 40th anniversary milestone at Eurosatory and unveils new GAIA Artificial Intelligence technology
- Kiln shell temperature monitoring and preventive maintenance
- Coastal Surveillance: long distance protection of coasts & maritime borders
- Kilnshell temperature monitoring in a Lafarge Plant, with HGH Thermography solutions
- Reinforce Air Defense and Situational Awareness
- SPYNEL and CYCLOPE Software’s high integration capabilities
- Read our latest article on Coastal Surveillance !
- Vacuum Compatible Blackbodies: Success Stories!
- HGH celebrates the New Year at the forefront of innovation
- HGH announces unmatched capabilities for its intrusion detection and identification solution for sensitive sites and critical infrastructures
- HGH is back at EDEX, New Cairo, to showcase the SPYNEL wide area surveillance solution for sky, land and sea
- HGH signs a new contract to protect an offshore oil platform off the North African coast
- 我们的官方微信公众号正式开通啦!
- Oil & Gas infrastructures: Get the best day&night surveillance with our integrated wide area security solution
- Flagship DCN1000 Blackbody delivered in record time!
- HGH signs a million-euro contract to watch and secure maritime migration routes at the border of a NATO European country
- A new panoramic visible channel for SPYNEL-M thermal sensor
- Get the most accurate Resolution Checks for your NVDs & IR Devices
- HGH announces new contract for military airbase surveillance
- Vacuum Compatible Blackbodies: Meet our OGSE for space and earth simulation!
- HGH announces an enhanced version of CYCLOPE software, with Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Threat Classification features
- Artificial Intelligence & Automatic Classification of Naval Threats
- HGH Group Introduces a Redesigned Website Reflecting Global Brand Harmonization
- Get full benefit from a complete shell temperature monitoring, whatever your kiln configuration!
- Introducing IRCOL Configurable Test Benches Adapted to your electro-optical needs
- WEBINAR – Complete shell temperature monitoring for any kiln configuration
- Meet your Airport’s Perimeter Security Needs & Challenges
- Discover our new ISV Integrating Sphere for the test of SWIR sensors
- HGH launches a versatile and portable test bench for the maintenance of military equipment
- Introducing OPAL – A versatile and portable military test bench
- The HGH Group announces the promotion of Vincent Leboucher to President
- SPYNEL Panoramic Thermal Cameras for Port and Coastal Surveillance
- Webinar – Panoramic Elevated Body Temperature detection in crowds with mIRcury!
- Warship Protection with SPYNEL IRST Solution
- INFRATEST 2020 – The most powerful EO testing software updated!
- HGH Wins Multi-Million Euro Contracts in the Middle-East and Europe to Supply Shipyards with SPYNEL Sensors and New IRST Technology
- HGH launches new Panoramic Fever Screening Technology to measure skin-surface temperatures in wide and crowded environments
- Panoramic Fever Screening In Crowds With mIRcury
- HGH named exclusive supplier of Field Test Benches for the FPSA project
- Introducing New Integrating Sphere Technology – Keep it simple!
- Thermography in the age of industry 4.0
- New CN-37 Blackbody to answer your elevated body temperature detection needs!
- HGH launches the new CN-37 Blackbody
- HGH Participates in the Fight against Coronavirus with its Blackbodies for Thermography Applications
- Meet with our Oil & Gas rigs thermal security solution SPYNEL
- Learn all about Exclusive Thermal Warp Monitoring with Kilnscan!
- Your ultimate Integrating Sphere experience from the visible to the SWIR spectrum
- HGH Group unveils its new global brand positioning “Enlighten the Unseen”
- HGH introduce their New Dual Channel Panoramic sensor, for a better Security by Design
- How can SPYNEL thermal cameras secure 24/7 oil & gas facilities against drone swarm attacks?
- A Better Security By Design with the New SPYNEL-U
- HGH presents SPYNEL-M and its New ‘’Mobile Deployment Kit’’, at IFSEC in London, UK
- Meet with the NEW CYCLOPE Hypervisor
- HGH launches the brand new CYCLOPE HYPERVISOR software at Milipol Asia Pacific 2019
- Spynel 360° Panoramic Camera ensures Airport Safety against drone flyovers
- HGH Infrared Systems celebrates EURONAVAL’s 50th anniversary with new technologies for maritime surveillance
- The Carlyle Group enters into exclusive negotiations to acquire HGH Infrared Systems
- 360° Thermal Cameras for 24/7 Maritime Panoramic Surveillance
- HGH Infrared Systems launches a brand new version of the advanced image processing software: Cyclope 5.0
- Zoom in on Panoramic Thermal Detection
- Eyes on the Horizon with SPYNEL
- HGH’s Spynel-S 6000 IR Surveillance System Now Fitted on French Navy L’Adroit OPV
- Improving ship self-defence
- For IR Imaging, Better SWaP Beckons
- Soaring to Risky New Heights: UAVs buzz around the world’s critical infrastructures
- Offshore Platform Provides Venue To Test New Technologies