Read this press publication on kilnshell temperature monitoring in a LafargeHolcim Plant

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In this article, you will discover the best technologies on the market for temperature monitoring and the prevention of any incident of the kiln shell in cement plants. To meet cement producers’ requirements, we designed Pyroscan and Kilnscan solutions. While Pyroscan looks at the kiln from the inside, Kilnscan monitors the temperature from the outside of the kiln shell.
 “The PYROSCAN camera enabled us to reinforce the kiln monitoring tools and to better control the flame quality. Pyroscan’s data provides a high contribution for the ‘kiln Master’ system for automated kiln control. The use of the HGH scanner brings great added value for the management of the clinker manufacturing process as well as the prevention of any incident of the kiln shell. It is an essential tool for the good operation of the kiln.  Amine Mnaouer, Plant Maintenance Manager at LafargeHolcim cement plant
Kilnshell temperature monitoring in a Lafarge Plant, with HGH Thermography solutions