Temperature measurement for rotary kilns, boilers and other combustion chambers

In most industries, maintaining a high profit level is synonymous with maintaining equipment efficiency and long-term reliability. This is particularly true for industries using rotary kilns in their processes, such as production of cement, lime, bauxite, fertilizer, or DRI. Any shutdown induces high costs. To increase production rates, reduce operating costs, improve the burning process, and save energy, it pays to select a kiln monitoring system wisely.

Kiln shell temperature monitoring

Protecting your rotary kilns is of utmost importance. Monitoring the evolution of hot spots is the primary role that thermal scanners.

Kilnscan is designed to fit any kiln configuration, including multiple shadows, long kiln and free space limited. It is part of the must-have temperature monitoring equipment of any cement plants.

Wide-angle infrared scanner for thermal kiln shell monitoring at ARM Cement Ltd’s Kaloleni plant

Exclusive Thermal Warp Monitoring Function Helps Ensuring Long-term Reliability of Your Kiln

Continuously monitor kiln shell temperature with kiln infrared scanner.

Discover the main features that impact upon product quality and risk management in the clinker production process

As temperature plays an essential part in the formation of clinker, thermal measurements are key data points to be monitored in the cement plant control room.

Combustion temperature monitoring in coolers, furnaces and boilers

Monitor the combustion process of waste materials with ruggedized high temperature cameras.

Combustion thermal monitoring of the inside of rotary kilns and clinker coolers.

Converting waste into energy such as power and heat through combustion is an innovative process reducing our impact on the environment. Solutions exist.