A Context of globalization and maritime power

The issues related to maritime areas are very numerous and it is certain that they will take on a very singular importance in the years to come. First of all, they concern maritime flows which, under the effect of globalization, have quadrupled over the past forty years. Today, 90% of world trade transits by sea. Globalization has thus led to a strong dependence on securing the main global maritime routes. Beyond flows, the sea is also becoming a space of new frontiers. We are witnessing everywhere in the world, from the China Sea to the Eastern Mediterranean, via the Persian Gulf, an unprecedented competition for the control of maritime spaces. This competition responds either to strategic ends, or to a desire to monopolize present or potential resources (oil, gas, rare earths, halieutic resources, etc.).  In this context, combat navies are equipping themselves with increasingly efficient and automated combat systems, playing a decisive role in the fields of anti-aircraft and anti-submarine warfare

Securing the main maritime axes, the rise of non-European war fleets, unprecedented competition for the control and delimitation of maritime spaces, environmental threats… In this context, high-tech surveillance equipment embedded on ships is experiencing a strong growing. HGH and its IRST Infrared Search and Track technology offers a unique optronics surveillance solution combining long-distance threat detection and 360° visualization of the scene.


The SPYNEL® IR panoramic surveillance solution is designed to be embedded on vessels. It provides a powerful situational awareness over 360° thanks to its unequalled resolution of up to 120 MPix associated with the CYCLOPE advanced detection & tracking softwareThis all-in-one fully passive surveillance solution covers large distances, below the horizon and up to the sky, to generate an unprecedented early warning:

  • Against conventional and asymmetrical air and surface threats
  • For Search & Rescue missions
  • For Navigation, to avoid hazardous floating objects

Main IRST Applications

Embedded on the largest vessels, SPYNEL is recognized as one of the highest performance IRST. With its extra-long range detection capability, SPYNEL allows early target detection and discrimination, day & night. Driven by CYCLOPE advanced video analytics, SPYNEL IRST can detect, track and identify simultaneously an unlimited number of targets.

Naval Security Solutions patrol

Coastal Patrollers/ EEZ Patrol vessels

Embedded on patroller vessels, SPYNEL provides a long-range detection and recognition capability over the full panorama in order to prevent illegal activities in EEZ waters. Using the latest advance of thermal imaging technology, the SPYNEL’s continuous 360° rotation ensures that no event will be missed. The SPYNEL solution is ideal for securing national waters and exclusive economic zones against piracy, illegal immigration, drug trafficking

Naval Security Solutions on usv

Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) Navigation

Embedded on USV, the gyro-stabilized and light SPYNEL-M provides the USV with a sense & avoid sensor (SAA), improving navigation safety. Thanks to the detection of floating obstacles, COLREGs anti-collision rules are addressed with SPYNEL. It also provides a real-time 360° situation awareness for a distant operator. With continuous video recording capabilities and reduced bandwidth consumption, SPYNEL-M is the most adapted IR solution for USV navigation.

high integration capabilities for spynel and cyclope

Thanks to CYCLOPE software‘s flexibility and ease of use, the SPYNEL solution provides effective communication with external sensors and security systems: When a threat is detected, videos and tracking information are automatically shared. 

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