Press Releases
HGH launches the new CN-37 Blackbody
With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading around the globe, HGH developed a new Blackbody technology to answer IR thermography camera manufacturers’ and their integrators’ increasing needs: the CN-37 Blackbody.
HGH Participates in the Fight against Coronavirus with its Blackbodies for Thermography Applications
HGH Participates in the Fight against Coronavirus with its Blackbodies for Thermography Applications Igny, 09/04/2020 – With the Covid-19 pandemic spreading the globe, HGH, the world leader
HGH Group unveils its new global brand positioning “Enlighten the Unseen”
The rise of new technologies urges naval forces to adapt their defence, detection and threat-tracking capabilities; HGH took up the challenge to answer the growing needs in terms of embarked IRST systems, launching their new IRST solution based on the SPYNEL technology at Euronaval 2020, held exclusively online.
HGH introduce their New Dual Channel Panoramic sensor, for a better Security by Design
HGH introduce their New Dual Channel Panoramic sensor, for a better Security by Design November 19th 2019, Igny, France– The experts in electro-optics HGH are
How can SPYNEL thermal cameras secure 24/7 oil & gas facilities against drone swarm attacks?
How can SPYNEL thermal cameras secure 24/7 oil & gas facilities against drone swarm attacks? Igny, September 26th 2019 – Drone attacks continue to strike
HGH presents SPYNEL-M and its New ‘’Mobile Deployment Kit’’, at IFSEC in London, UK
HGH presents SPYNEL-M and its New ‘’Mobile Deployment Kit’’, at IFSEC in London, UK. June 18th 2019, London, United Kingdom– Electro-optics experts HGH are showcasing
HGH launches the brand new CYCLOPE HYPERVISOR software at Milipol Asia Pacific 2019
HGH launches the brand new CYCLOPE HYPERVISOR software at Milipol Asia Pacific 2019 Tuesday, April 2nd, Singapore – Optronics expert HGH is exhibiting at Milipol
Spynel 360° Panoramic Camera ensures Airport Safety against drone flyovers
HGH Infrared Systems celebrates EURONAVAL’s Spynel 360° Panoramic Camera ensures Airport Safety against drone flyovers Igny, January 15th 2019 – The recent incident at London
HGH Infrared Systems celebrates EURONAVAL’s 50th anniversary with new technologies for maritime surveillance
HGH Infrared Systems celebrates EURONAVAL’s 50th anniversary with new technologies for maritime surveillance October 23rd, Paris, France – This week, HGH Infrared Systems is making