INFRATEST® packages

Test any electro-optical devices 

with the Infratest® packages 


INFRATEST is a software suite composed with a native structure INFRATEST Platform allowing to plug different packages to test Electro-optical systems: Cameras, Laser Rangefinders and Pointers Night vision Devices

Test any electro-optical devices 

with the Infratest® packages 


Infratest is a software suite composed with a native structure INFRATEST Platform allowinf to plug different packages to perform the test of your EO system: Cameras, Laser Rangefinders and Pointers Night vision Devices



  Infratest Plateform

Infratest Platform is the basement of the Infratest suite. It allows to quickly and remotely drive any testing tool. In an eyeblink, you can select the temperature of several blackbodies or ISV sources. You can also locate a target at the focus of a collimator, select the azimuth/ elevation position of the tested EO system, etc. Each testing tool status is displayed in real time through the dashboard. Infratest Platform also displays the video signal of your camera in real time. The software offers image saving capabilities.

Infratest Platform is supplied with any HGH hardware system: blackbodies, ISV sources, IRCOL bench, OPAL system, etc. Try it now!

  Infratest Camera Pack

Infratest Camera Pack is the ideal solution for camera testing whatever its configuration and its video protocol may be. Infratest Camera Pack is suitable for visible, NIR, low light and SWIR cameras.

Thermal imagers, using cooled or uncooled detectors, Infratest Camera Pack ensures the accurate measurement of parameters.  Whether you are developing a new model of camera or responsible of production line, Infratest Camera Pack is the best solution for your application.

  Infratest Laser Pack

Testing Laser Rangefinders and Laser Pointers is a challenging task as it deals with both laser beams and optical axes of various wavelengths. This challenge is achieved through the Infratest Laser Pack.

The testing methods of this Pack are compatible with all laser types including eye-safe. The Pack particularly includes 2 methods for laser transmitter alignment measurement with sighting axis, visible and infrared.

  Infratest Night Vision Pack

Night Vision Pack is a dedicated to testing any night vision device. Combined with HGH’s exclusive high-resolution Eye-Camera replacing the subjective human eye behind the eyepiece, Infratest Night Vision Pack offers objective and accurate measurements of the main parameters of your NVD.

Particularly adapted for maintenance application, Infratest Night Vision Pack allows you to sort out between defective and operative NVDs.

  Infratest Camera Expert Pack

Infratest Camera Expert Pack is dedicated to demanding operators seeking for qualifying high performance cameras. It is also recommended for complex parameters measurements. The Camera Expert Pack offers high advanced functions such as the accurate measurement of the Distortion map, even for fish-eyed cameras, or the range calculation based on the objective TOD method.

  Infratest Camera Expert Upgrade

Want to go further in the test of your cameras? Have your Infratest Camera Pack upgraded with the Camera Expert Upgrade.


Infratest Plateform

  Infratest Platform

Infratest Platform is the basement of the INFRATEST suite. It allows to quickly and remotely drive any testing tool. In an eyeblink, you can select the temperature of several blackbodies or ISV sources, locate a target at the focus of a collimator, select the azimuth/ elevation position of the tested Electro-optical system… Each testing tool status is displayed in real time through the dashboard. Infratest Platform also displays the video signal of your camera in real time and offers image saving capabilities.

Infratest Platform is supplied with any HGH hardware system: blackbodies, ISV sources, IRCOL bench, OPAL system, etc. Try it now!

Infratest PC portable


Infratest packages

   Infratest Camera Pack

Infratest Camera package is the ideal solution for testing your camera whatever its configuration and its video protocol. It is suitable for visible, NIR, low light and SWIR cameras.

Infratest Camera Pack ensures the accurate measurement of all main parameters of thermal imagers, using cooled or uncooled detectors. Whether you are developing a new model of camera or responsible of production line, Infratest Camera Pack is the best solution for your application.

  Infratest Laser Pack

Testing Laser Rangefinders and Laser Pointers is a challenging task as it deals with both laser beams and optical axes of various wavelengths. This challenge is achieved through the Infratest Laser package.

Infratest Laser Pack testing methods are compatible with all laser types including eye-safe. The Pack particularly includes 2 methods for laser transmitter alignment measurement with sighting axis, visible and infrared.

  Infratest Night Vision Pack

Night Vision Pack is a dedicated to testing any night vision device. Combined with HGH’s exclusive high-resolution Eye-Camera replacing the subjective human eye behind the eyepiece, Infratest Night Vision Pack offers objective and accurate measurements of the main parameters of your NVD.

Particularly adapted for maintenance application, Infratest Night Vision Pack allows you to sort out between defective and operative NVDs.

  Infratest Camera Expert Pack

Infratest Camera Expert Pack is dedicated to demanding operators seeking for qualifying high performance cameras and measuring complex parameters, the Camera Expert Pack offers the most advanced functions such as the accurate measurement of the Distortion map even for fish-eyed cameras or the range calculation based on the objective TOD method.

  Infratest Camera Expert Upgrade

Want to go further in the test of your cameras? Have your Infratest Camera Pack upgraded with the Camera Expert Upgrade.


Infratest platform

Test ressources management features

  • Sources control
  • Target management
  • Motor control (source selection, projected distance selection, target wheel position)

System under test interface

  • Azimuth/elevation position selection
  • Multiple video protocol acquisition
  • Real time video signal display
  • Image saving and data export

Custom backup features

  • Ressources scenario
  • Image saving
  • Test sequence


Infratest Camera pack

Visible and Infrared noise tests

  • Temporal Noise
  • Signal to Noise ratio (SNR)
  • 3D noise
  • Temporal & Spatial NPSD
  • Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN)

Temporal Noise is the RMS temporal instability of the camera signal . It is represented as a 2D-map.  Histogram and the average value are calculated over the selected area (whole image or restricted area). The Signal to Noise Ratio SNR is calculated accordingly.

3D noise is an 8 components vector illustrating the links between temporal and spatial noise.

Temporal Power Spectral Density (Temporal NPSD) is a curve which shows the temporal noise power spectral density in V²/Hz, with regards to the temporal frequency in Hz.

Spatial Power Spectral Density (Spatial NPSD) includes both horizontal and vertical directions calculation. It  is displayed as a curve showing the spatial noise power spectral density in V²/(cy/pixel) with regards to the spatial frequency in cy/pixel

Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) measures the residual spatial non uniformity.

Thermal resolution

  • Signal transfer function (SiTF)
  • Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD)
  • Noise Equivalent Power, Irradiance and Radiance (NEP, NEI, NER)
  • Detectivity (D*)
  • Responsivity, Peak Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency

Signal Transfer function (SiTF) is the curve showing the signal level versus the temperature of the object. It allows to identify the camera linear range.

Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) corresponds to the temperature difference between an object and its environment. It is needed to generate a variation of the signal equal to the RMS temporal noise.

Noise Equivalent Power, Irradiance and Radiance (NEP, NEI, NER) correspond to the Power/ Irradiance/ Radiance difference between an object and its environment. It is needed to generate a variation of the signal equal to the RMS temporal noise.

 Detectivity (D*) is computed from the NEP value

 Responsivity, Peak Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency: these parameters are applicable to Focal Plane Arrays only. Quantum efficiency calculation depends on the type of detector and ROIC.

Spatial resolution

  • New – Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – live analysis
  • Spatial resolution with 1951 USAF target

Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) are measured and displayed in real-time. The function uses a knife-edge target either in horizontal or vertical direction. An original signal processing enables to perform this measurement without scanning the target in the camera field of view. Measurement accuracy is 4%, measurement repeatability is ±1%.

Spatial resolution with 1951 USAF target is controlled by the irradiance of low light source at the proper irradiance level. The operator looks at the image on the PC monitor and identifies the highest frequency detectable 3-bar pattern.

Image quality analysis (Infrared)

  • Non Uniformity Correction (NUC)
  • Bad Pixel location

Non Uniformity Correction (NUC) operation requires a uniform extended source. It allows to correct the response of each detector pixel. Two averaged images at two different temperatures / irradiances are necessary to calculate offset and gain correction coefficients for each pixel.

Bad Pixel location function coordinates the serach of the pixels which do not fulfil at least one of the following criteria: Signal level, NETD, Responsivity, Temporal Noise.

Range calculation (Infrared)

NEW ERGONOMICS: Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (subjective and objective MRTD)*

Detection, Recognition and Identification Ranges (DRI)*

Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (subjective MRTD) is a curve which shows the smallest temperature difference. The operator identifies the four bars of a normalized pattern versus the spatial pattern frequency. This test is compliant with the STANAG 4349.

Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (objective MRTD) is computed from the NETD and MTF data. It uses a subjective MRTD reference curve according to STANAG 4350.

Detection, Recognition and Identification Ranges (DRI) are calculated from MRTD curves and the Johnson criteria. The operator defines the size of target, the temperature difference between target and background and the atmospheric absorption factor. This test is compliant with STANAG 4347

Range calculation (Visible and SWIR cameras)

  • New – Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC)
  • SWIR cameras Detection, Observation, Recognition, Identification ranges (DORI)**

Visible dynamic range defines the ability for an optical device to transmit several grey levels. This test requires a grayscale target. The operator declares the number of grey levels which can be identified through visual inspection.

Multiple axes alignment

  • Camera axis alignment
  • Boresighting between cameras (any type)

EXCLUSIVE – Boresighting between cameras (any type) and mechanical axis

* Subjective MRTD and DRI methods are compliant with STANAG 4347 and 4349

** Coming soon

Camera axis alignment on the collimator axis. This function also measures the alignment between the camera and the collimator.

Boresighting between cameras (any type) measures the angle between the optical axes of two cameras.

Boresighting between camera and mechanical axis measures the angle between an optical axis (visible or infrared) and a mechanical axis. This function requires a specific hardware tool package called Harmonization Module. Intrinsic accuracy of this test is 20µrad.

Visible and Infrared noise tests

  • Temporal Noise
  • Signal to Noise ratio (SNR)
  • 3D noise
  • Temporal & Spatial NPSD
  • Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN)

Thermal resolution

  • Signal transfer function (SiTF)
  • Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD)
  • Noise Equivalent Power, Irradiance and Radiance (NEP, NEI, NER)
  • Detectivity (D*)
  • Responsivity, Peak Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency

Spatial resolution

  • New – Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – live analysis
  • Spatial resolution with 1951 USAF target

Image quality analysis (Infrared)

  • Non Uniformity Correction (NUC)
  • Bad Pixel location

Range calculation (Infrared)

NEW ERGONOMICS – Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (subjective and objective MRTD)*

Detection, Recognition and Identification Ranges (DRI)*

Range calculation (Visible and SWIR cameras)

  • New – Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC)
  • SWIR cameras Detection, Observation, Recognition, Identification ranges (DORI)**

Multiple axes alignment

  • Camera axis alignment
  • Boresighting between cameras (any type)

EXCLUSIVE – Boresighting between cameras (any type) and mechanical axis

* Subjective MRTD and DRI methods are compliant with STANAG 4347 and 4349

** Coming soon

Visible and Infrared noise tests

  • Temporal Noise is the RMS temporal instability of the signal of the camera. It is represented as a 2D-map as well as a histogram and the average value is calculated over the selected area (whole image or restricted area). The Signal to Noise Ratio SNR is calculated accordingly.
  • 3D noise is an 8 components vector illustrating the links between temporal and spatial noise.
  • Temporal Power Spectral Density (Temporal NPSD) is a curve showing the temporal noise power spectral density in V2/Hz with regard to the temporal frequency in Hz.
  • Spatial Power Spectral Density (Spatial NPSD) is calculated in both horizontal and vertical directions and is displayed as a curve showing the spatial noise power spectral density in V2/(cy/pixel) with regard to the spatial frequency in cy/pixel
  • Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) is the measurement of the residual spatial non uniformity.

Thermal resolution

  • Signal Transfer function (SiTF) is the curve showing the signal level vs. the temperature of the object. It permits the identification of the linear range of the camera.
  •  Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) corresponds to the temperature difference between an object and its environment needed to generate a variation of the signal equal to the RMS temporal noise.
  • Noise Equivalent Power, Irradiance and Radiance (NEP, NEI, NER) correspond to the Power/ Irradiance/ Radiance difference between an object and its environment needed to generate a variation of the signal equal to the RMS temporal noise.
  •  Detectivity (D*) is computed from the NEP value
  •  Responsivity, Peak Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency: these parameters are applicable to Focal Plane Arrays only. Quantum efficiency calculation depends on the type of detector and ROIC.

Spatial resolution

  • NEW – Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) are measured and displayed in live using a knife-edge target either in horizontal or vertical direction. An original signal processing enables to perform this measurement without scanning the target in the camera field of view. Measurement accuracy is 4%, measurement repeatability is ±1%.
  • Spatial resolution with 1951 USAF target is controlled by the irradiance of low light source at the proper irradiance level. The operator looks at the image on the PC monitor and identify the 3-bar pattern of highest spatial frequency that can be detected.

Image quality analysis (Infrared)

  • Non Uniformity Correction (NUC) operation requires a uniform extended source that enables correction of the response of each detector pixel. Two averaged images at two different temperatures / irradiances are necessary to calculate offset and gain correction coefficients for each pixel.
  • Bad Pixel location function the coordinates of the pixels which do not fulfil at least one of the following criteria: Signal level, NETD, Responsivity, Temporal Noise.

Image quality analysis (Visible and SWIR cameras)

  • Visible dynamic range defines the ability for an optical device to transmit several grey levels. This test requires a grayscale target. The operator declares the number of grey levels which can be identified through visual inspection.

Range calculation (Infrared)

  • NEW ERGONOMICS – Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (subjective MRTD) is a curve showing the smallest temperature difference allowing the operator to distinguish the four bars of a normalized pattern vs. the spatial frequency of the pattern. This test is compliant with the STANAG 4349.
  • Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (objective MRTD) is computed from the NETD and MTF data and using a subjective MRTD reference curve according to STANAG 4350.
  • Detection, Recognition and Identification Ranges (DRI) are calculated from MRTD curves and the Johnson criteria. The operator defines the size of target, the temperature difference between target and background and the atmospheric absorption factor. This test is compliant with STANAG 4347

Range calculation (Visible and SWIR cameras)

  • NEW – Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC) is a curve showing the contrast of an image vs. the spatial frequency for a given level of luminance. This test requires USAF 1951 targets with multiple contrast.
  • SWIR cameras Detection, Observation, Recognition, Identification ranges (DORI) is the application of DORI criteria for visible cameras to SWIR cameras.

Multiple axes alignment

  • Camera axis alignment on the collimator axis. This function also measures the alignment between the camera and the collimator.
  • Boresighting between cameras (any type) measures the angle between the optical axes of two cameras.
  • EXCLUSIVE – Boresighting between camera and mechanical axis measures the angle between an optical axis (visible or infrared) and a mechanical axis. This function requires a specific hardware tool package called Harmonization Module. Intrinsic accuracy of this test is 20µrad.


Infratest Laser pack

Golf Laser Range Finder

Laser tests

  • Laser energy
  • Beam Divergence
  • Distance Measurement accuracy

Laser energy: A Joulemeter installed in front of the transmitter aperture Laser allows the energy measurement.

Beam Divergence is measured by a beam analysing camera. A 3D map displays the laser profile. The horizontal and vertical divergence is also calculated.

Distance Measurement accuracy is controlled through the comparison of the LRF measured distance with a simulated well-known distance.  An optical module collects the laser beam and transfers it into a distance simulating device: a calibrated fiber optic or a time delay generator.

Multiple axis alignment

  • Boresighting between transmitter and visible or infrared sighting axis

Boresighting between transmitter and visible or infrared sighting axis is made through 2 methods:

Laser shot toward a photosensitive target or toward a thermal target re-emitting respectively in visible or infrared. Comparison of the location of this visible or thermal image with the camera axis.

Location of the sighting axis of the beam analysing camera thanks to the Harmonization Module (see above). Laser shot toward the beam analysing camera and comparison of the laser impact with the sighting axis.


Infratest Night vision pack

NVD properties

  •  Zero and Focus of eyepiece
  • Magnifying power
  • NVD – Field of view
  • NVD – Distortion

Zero and Focus of eyepiece checks the zero position and the focus range of the goggle eyepiece. It requires specific hardware tools such as a cross or hole target and a dioptometer.

Magnifying power is calculated through the ratio of the angular dimension of a square target at the output of the NVD (eyepiece side) and the angular dimension of this square target at the input (objective side).

NVD – Field of view: see above

NVD – Distortion: see above

Image quality analysis

  • New – Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – live analysis
  • Spatial resolution with USAF 1951 target
  • New – Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC)
  • Gain
  • Spot defects

Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – live analysis: see above.
Spatial resolution with USAF 1951 target: see above

Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC): see above
A low light source measures gain. The radiance of this source is measured (in Cd/m²) with a radiancemeter. The image’s radiance at the output of the NVD is measured (eyepiece side). Measurements ratio allows to calculate the gain.

Spot defects method uses the automated detection of spots and clusters in the image given by a high-resolution camera looking through the eyepiece. Spots are then ranked, depending on their size and location in the field of view.

Multiple axes alignment

  • Boresighting: cameras (any type) with NVD
  • Goggles axes paralleslism

Boresighting: cameras (any type) with NVD measures the angle between the axis of a camera and a Night Vision sight. This function uses a high-resolution camera looking through the eyepiece

Goggles axes paralleslism control is performed by measuring and comparing the positions of a pinhole image through each axis of the goggle. This function uses a high-resolution camera looking through the eyepiece.

Helmet With Night Vision Goggles
Helmet With Night Vision Goggles

NVD properties

  •  Zero and Focus of eyepiece
  • Magnifying power**
  • NVD – Field of view**
  •  NVD – Distortion** 

Image quality analysis

  • New – Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – live analysis
  • Spatial resolution with USAF 1951 target
  • New – Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC)
  • Gain
  • Spot defects

Multiple axes alignment

  • Boresighting: cameras (any type) with NVD
  • Parallelism of axes of Goggles

NVD properties

  • Zero and Focus of eyepiece checks the zero position and the focus range of the goggle eyepiece. It requires specific hardware tools such as a cross or hole target and a dioptometer.
  • Magnifying power is calculated through the ratio of the angular dimension of a square target at the output of the NVD (eyepiece side) and the angular dimension of this square target at the input (objective side).
  • NVD – Field of view : see above
  • NVD – Distortion: see above
  • Image quality analysis
  • New – Line Spread Function (LSF)/ Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – live analysis : see above
  • Spatial resolution with USAF 1951 target : see above
  • New – Minimum Resolvable Contrast (MRC): see above
  • Gain is measured using a low light source The radiance of this source is measured (in Cd/m²) using a radiancemeter. The radiance of the image at the output of the NVD is measured (eyepiece side). The gain is calculated by making the ratio of the two measurements
  • EXCLUSIVE – Spot defects method uses the automated detection of spots and clusters in the image given by a high-resolution camera looking through the eyepiece. Spots are then ranked, depending on their size and location in the field of view.

Multiple axes alignment

  • Boresighting: cameras (any type) with NVD measures the angle between the axis of a camera and a Night Vision sight. This function uses a high-resolution camera looking through the eyepiece
  • Parallelism of axes of Goggles is controlled by measuring and comparing the positions of a pinhole image through each axis of the goggle. This function uses a high-resolution camera looking through the eyepiece.


Infratest Camera expert pack

Spynel X

Infratest Camera Pack

  • Included

Expert tests

Advanced Camera properties :

  • Field of view
  • NEW – Distortion
  • Effective Focal Length (EFL) – Magnification

Advanced Multiple axes alignment

  • Roll difference between axes

Camera performances measurement

  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC) & spatial latencies

Focused spatial resolution

  • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – sine wave target method

Advanced range calculation features

  • Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference (MDTD)
  • Triangle Orientation Discrimination (TOD)

Advanced Camera properties :

  • Field of view is measured through 2 different methods. First method uses a square target and the field of view is extrapolated from the size of the image of this target. Second method uses a high accuracy rotation stage and a pinhole or cross target: the field of view is computed through the appearance / disappearance position of the hole or cross in the image.
  • NEW – Distortion is measured through 2 different methods. First method uses a matrix of holes target and the distortion is calculated from the comparison between the actual position of the image of each hole and its expected position. In the second method, the image of a hole scans the field of view of the camera along the azimuth axis and/or the elevation axis using one or 2 high accuracy rotation stages: the distortion is then computed by comparison between the actual position of the images of the hole and its expected position. This second method remains accurate even for fisheye optics.
  • Effective Focal Length (EFL) – Magnification calculates the magnification of a square target through the optics of the camera under test. Contribution of the collimator is removed from the result to compute the Effective Focal Length of the camera.

Advanced Multiple axes alignment

  • Roll difference between axes function measures the rotation difference between two video streams using the image of a square target.

Camera performances measurement

  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC) latency is the time for the AGC to re-adjust the video signal level after a sudden change of optical signal.
  • Spatial latency is the time of appearance of an event on the video signal, the event being created by a remote-controlled shutter.
  • Focused spatial resolution
  • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – sine wave target method plots the MTF curve through the fit on well-known MTF values measured using sine wave pattern targets.

Advanced range calculation features

  • Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference (MDTD) is similar to MRTD subjective method but uses hole targets instead of 4 bar targets.
  • Triangle Orientation Discrimination (TOD) computes the curve of thermal contrast vs. spatial frequency. It differs from MRTD curve through the use of triangle patterns of different sizes and orientations. This method offers a statistically more accurate and less subjective method of characterizing electro-optical system performance. In the TOD test, an observer has to determine the orientation (Up, Down, Left, Right) of a triangle for various temperature differences between the pattern and its background. Calculations are made in accordance with the recommendations of TNO research organization (Netherlands), inventor of the patented TOD method.

Infratest Camera Pack

  • Included


Expert tests

Advanced Camera properties :

  • Field of view
  • NEW – Distortion
  • Effective Focal Length (EFL) – Magnification

Two methods allows to measure the Field of view:
– First method uses a square target. The field of view is extrapolated from the image’size of this target.
– S
econd method uses a high accuracy rotation stage and a pinhole or cross target: the field of view is computed through the appearance / disappearance position of the hole or cross in the image.

Two different methods allows to measure the distortion:
–  First method uses a matrix of holes target. Comparison between the actual image position of each hole and its expected position allows to calculate the distortion. 
– In the second method, the image of a hole scans the camera’s field of view along the azimuth axis and/or the elevation axis. This method uses one or two high accuracy rotation stages: distortion is then computed by comparing the actual position of the images of the hole and its expected position. This second method remains accurate even for fisheye optics.

Effective Focal Length (EFL)
Magnification calculates the magnification of a square target through the optics of the camera under test. Contribution of the collimator is removed from the result to compute the Effective Focal Length of the camera.

Advanced Multiple axes alignment

  • Roll difference between axes


Roll difference between axes measures the rotation difference between two video streams using the image of a square target.

Camera performances measurement

  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
  • Spatial latencies

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) latency is the time for the AGC for video signal level re-adjustment after a sudden optical signal change.

Spatial latency is the time of appearance of an event on the video signal, created by a remote-controlled shutter.

Focused spatial resolution

  • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – sine wave target method

Sine wave target method plots the MTF curve through the fit on well-known MTF values measured using sine wave pattern targets.

Advanced range calculation features

  • Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference (MDTD)
  • Triangle Orientation Discrimination (TOD)

Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference (MDTD) is similar to MRTD subjective method but uses hole targets instead of 4 bar targets.

Triangle Orientation Discrimination (TOD) computes the curve of thermal contrast vs. spatial frequency. It differs from MRTD curve by the use of triangle patterns of different sizes and orientations. This method offers a statistically more accurate and less subjective method of characterizing electro-optical system performance. In the TOD test, an observer determines the orientation (Up, Down, Left, Right) of a triangle for various temperature differences between the pattern and its background. Calculations are made in accordance with the recommendations of TNO research organization (Netherlands), inventor of the patented TOD method.

Spynel X


Infratest Camera expert upgrade

Expert tests

  • Field of view
  • NEW – Distortion
  • Effective Focal Length (EFL) – Magnification
  • Roll difference between axes
  • AGC & spatial latencies
  • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – sine wave target method
  • Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference (MDTD)
  • Triangle Orientation Discrimination (TOD)

Expert tests

  • Field of view
  • NEW – Distortion
  • Effective Focal Length (EFL) – Magnification
  • Roll difference between axes
  • AGC & spatial latencies
  • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) – sine wave target method
  • Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference (MDTD)
  • Triangle Orientation Discrimination (TOD)


Infratest Services

Keep up to date with the latest software innovations!
One new INFRATEST® software version is released every year. New versions enhance and extend testing capabilities thanks to the most efficient algorithms, while constantly seeking to improve the ergonomics. 

HGH also offers a yearly training: it aims at optimizing the use of the Infratest Software so that operators can collect the most accurate data on the tested equipment. This one-day personalized training is held at the customer’s site. An HGH engineer specialized in electro-optical systems design, development and testing methods conducts the training, fully tailored to the client’s application.

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